Finnish Air Force to participate in Arctic Fighter Meet 23 in Norway

Air Force
Publication date 16.8.2023 13.35
Type:Press release
Kaksi suomalaista F/A-18 Hornetia, kaksi ruotsalaista JAS-39 Gripeniä ja kaksi norjalaista F-35-hävittäjää lentää rivimuodostelmassa taivaalla.
Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian fighter jets. Photo: The Swedish Air Force.

The Royal Norwegian Airforce will host the Arctic Fighter Meet 23 at Ørland Air Base from 21 to 25 August. The exercise will bring together the Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian Air Forces.

The Finnish Air Force will take part in the exercise with five F/A-18 Hornet multirole fighter jets. The Swedish Air Force will participate in the exercise with JAS-39 Gripens, and the Royal Norwegian Air Force with F-35 multirole fighters. The exercise will take place in Norwegian airspace.

The aim of the Arctic Fighter Meet exercise is to develop international compatibility. In addition, the objective of the exercise is to familiarise the youngest fighter pilots with the international operational environment and different types of fighter aircraft. The exercise will be only carried out by cadre.

The Arctic Fighter Meet exercises are a part of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO). The Finnish Air Force’s participation in the exercise will be a part of the 2023 international training and exercise activity of the Finnish Defence Forces.