Quality Policy
As a public authority, we understand the importance of high-quality work in the execution of our main task, promoting safety in military aviation.
In our duties we adhere to a process control-based operating model, thus achieving compliance with laws and regulations as well as requirements and expectations set by clients and stakeholders.
The quality policy of our unit ensures that our key principles and values including impartiality, accountability, professionalism, safety and security are manifested in all our activities.
Key principles in the implementation of the quality policy are:
• leadership commitment to quality development
• development-oriented approach in the activities of the entire unit
• cooperation between the sections
• establishing and standardising flexible, uniform practices
• emphasising flight safety in all activities.
With our quality management system, we ensure task execution and goal attainment as well as functional development at all levels. The adequacy and appropriateness of the quality policy is assessed annually in the management review of the unit.
Each one of us is responsible for professional development and the quality of personal work performance. We aspire for lifelong learning and work well done at all levels of our operations.

Military Aviation Authority
P.O. Box 30
Telephone +358 299 800 (switchboard)
E-mail [email protected]