Enabler of Safe Military Aviation
The Military Aviation Authority, Finland (FIMAA) oversees and regulates military aviation in Finland.
Our core tasks are
- Certification of new military aviation capabilities for the Finnish Defence Forces
- Developing and maintaining up-to-date military aviation regulations in support of national operations and international interoperability
- Certification of airworthiness, training, maintenance and overhaul, design and production organisations supporting the Finnish Defence Forces
- Recognition of international military airworthiness authority
- Promoting safety in military aviation
- Flight safety investigation in military aviation
Our vision
- FI MAA is a professional, widely recognised and highly valued enabler of safe military aviation.
Our mission
- To enable safe military aviation while maintaining operational goals
- To promote the safety of military aviation
- To enable integration of civil and military aviation, considering the needs of military aviation
- To promote the harmonisation of international military aviation regulations and interoperability
Our values
- Neutrality and impartiality
- Responsibility
- Professionality
- Safety
Our organisation
Military aviation safety management
- Oversight of the Safety Management System of military aviation
- Promotion of flight safety
- Investigation of accidents and severe incidents in military aviation
- Training of accident investigators and investigation staff
Flight and Base Operations
Military aviation regulations concerning safety of military aviation, including
- air traffic management
- flight procedures
- contracted aviation services, such as training, aerial photography, target towing
- air base structures and rescue
- Oversight of air operations
- Permits and licenses for contracted services and pilot training
Technical and Systems
Military aviation regulations concerning certification, airworthiness and safety, including
- military aircraft registry
- type certification of air vehicles (incl. UAVs) and command and control systems
- certification of airworthiness, training, maintenance and overhaul, design and production organisations
- mutual recognition of international military airworthiness authorities
- Upkeep of the military aircraft registry
- Certification of military aviation systems
- Oversight and certification of above mentioned organisations

Military Aviation Authority
P.O. Box 30
Telephone +358 299 800 (switchboard)
E-mail [email protected]