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Equipment of the Finnish Air Force

The Air Force's main combat fleet consists of Boeing F/A-18C and F/A-18D Hornet multi role fighters. In addition to aircraft, air surveillance radars and a range of simulators are included in the service's inventory.

To support the Hornet fleet, the Air Force uses BAE Systems Hawk jet trainers, primarily in advanced and fighter lead-in training roles. Medium airlift capability takes the form of Airbus Military C-295M tactical transports. Learjet 35A/S twinjets are used for target towing, surveillance, aerial cartography, and light transport duties, while Pilatus PC-12NGs fly light personnel and cargo movement missions.

Air Force pilots start their career at the controls of the Grob G 115E basic trainer.

Air surveillance radars used for the monitoring the integrity of the nation's airspace and a range of training simulators are also central contributors to the service's overall capability.


Aircraft of the Finnish Air Force

Boeing F/A-18 C/D Hornet (pdf)

A Finnish Air Force Boeing F/A-18C Hornet


BAE Systems Hawk (pdf)

A Finnish Air Force BAE Hawk Mk 51


CASA C-295M (pdf)

A Finnish Air Force C-295M


Pilatus PC-12 NG (pdf)

A Finnish Air Force Pilatus PC-12 NG


Learjet 35 A/S (pdf)

A Finnish Air Force Learjet 35 A/S Jet


Grob G115 E (pdf)

A Grob G115E trainer aircraft