Requests for Information has been sent to four governments regarding the replacement of Hornet aircraft

Air Force
Publication date 22.4.2016 9.49
Type:Press release

The Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command has sent Requests for Information (RFI) regarding the replacement of Hornet aircraft to the governments of Great Britain, France, Sweden and the United States. These governments are requested to further send the RFIs to their respective industries which manufacture multi-role fighters.

A Request for Information precedes the actual procurement. After an RFI has been analysed an invitation to tender will be sent and it is only after that that the actual procurement of aircraft will take place. The purpose of the RFI is to bring together visions as to what kind of solutions the recipients of the RFIs offer to replace the capabilities of the Air Force F/A-18 aircraft in the post-2030 security environment. An RFI is a way to collect information on multi-role fighters which is then used for detailed planning and budgeting of procurement and for elaborating on the requirements set on the multi-role fighter.

In the RFIs, budget estimates are asked about the costs of procuring, using and maintaining the systems and their calculation methods. In addition to the actual aircraft, the systems which are reviewed include weapons, training equipment, C2 systems and maintenance arrangements. Manufacturers may also present solutions which include several types of aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles contributing to the capabilities of multi-role fighters.

The RFIs were sent to defence administrations in countries which manufacture the kind of multi-role fighters and related systems which could meet Finland's requirements to replace the Hornet aircraft. An RFI contains detailed information on the operational principles of air defence and the desired future capabilities. A majority of the information provided and of the answers received will be classified.

According to a comprehensive replacement schedule which has been created for the Hornet project, the new multi-role fighters are expected to be in use at the time when the Hornet fleet is to be phased out. The procurement process is very large and complex. The deadline for the answers to the RFIs is at the end of 2016. The invitation to tender regarding the replacement of the Hornet fleet will be sent in 2018, and the procurement decision is scheduled for 2021.

At this stage the Air Force does not want to restrict the types of aicraft that are considered. For the preparation of the project and the competitive situation it is useful to gain information on as many types of aircraft as possible. The RFIs are expected to provide information on the following aircraft types: Boeing F-15 and F/A-18, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16 and F-35, and Saab Gripen.

Information is also needed on training in the new systems. For example, the defence forces in the chosen country usually provide the training for pilots and technical staff. The Air Force is also interested in developing the systems during use which normally is under the charge of the defence administration in the manufacturing country. Various defence administrations are likely to provide some of the answers to the RFIs.

The project to replace the Hornet fleet (the HX fighter project) aims at replacing the Hornet aircraft which are going to be phased out as of 2025 with multi-role fighters. The life-span of the Hornet fleet will end by the end of the 2020s.

The project is owned by the Air Force Commander, the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command is in charge of technical and commercial matters in the preparation and the Ministry of Defence is in charge of the materiel policy guidance. As to the RFIs, the Air Force Commander Major General Kim Jäämeri, the Project Coordinator Lauri Puranen and the Deputy Director of the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command Brigadier General (eng.) Kari Renko will introduce the objective and the overall project to the representatives of the governments and companies in the countries concerned.


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