Two Suspected Airspace Violations over Gulf of Finland

Air Force
Publication date 7.10.2016 1.05 | Published in English on 7.10.2016 at 11.51
Type:Press release

A Russian Su-27 fighter is suspected of having violated the Finnish airspace in the afternoon on 6 October. Later in the evening there was another suspected air space violation by the same aircraft type. The Finnish Air Force identified and photographed both aircraft.

The Finnish Air Force identified a Russian Su-27 fighter off Porvoo shore at 16:43 on 6 October 2016 and photographed it. Photo: Finnish Air Force

The incidents took place over the Gulf of Finland south of Porvoo. The first suspected violation happened at 16:43 and lasted approximately one minute. The aircraft flew near the boundary of the Finnish airspace for a distance of thirteen kilometres infringing the Finnish airspace by one kilometre at the maximum.

The second incident took place within the same area later in the evening at 21:33 by another aircraft.

On Thursday Russian military air activity over the Baltic Sea has been intense.

The Finnish Border Guard handles the suspected airspace violations and the incidents are now under investigation.

The Finnish Defence Forces carry out air policing of the Finnish airspace and secure the territorial integrity on a 24/7 basis.

In the evening the Finnish Air Force photographed another Russian Su-27 fighter that is suspected of having violated the Finnish airspace. Photo: Finnish Air Force